
Terms and Conditions: The Terror Infamy Signed Poster Competition   1. The competition (the “Competition”) and the website on which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are posted and to which they apply are managed by AMC Networks International Channel Limited (“AMC”), a company…


Terms and Conditions:  Signed NOS4A2 Novel Competition – August 2019   1. The competition (the “Competition”) and the website on which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are posted and to which they apply are managed by Zonemedia Management Limited (“ZML”), a company formed…


  Terms and Conditions: Ride with Norman Reedus – Hat Competition, March 2019 1. The competition (the “Competition”) to which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply, and the website on which they are posted, are managed by Zonemedia Management Limited (“ZML”), a…


Terms and Conditions: Signed Snatch Season 2 Artwork, November 2018 1. The competition (the “Competition”) to which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) apply, and the website on which they are posted, are managed by Zonemedia Management Limited (“ZML”), a private limited company…


Terms and Conditions: The Terror Meet and Greet – March 2018 1. The competition (the “Competition”) and the website on which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are posted and to which they apply are managed by Zonemedia Management Limited (“ZML”), a company…


Terms and Conditions: Breaking Bad Goodies Bundle, January 2018 The competition (the “Competition”) and the website on which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are posted and apply to are managed by Zonemedia Management Limited (“ZML”), a company formed under the laws of England and…


Terms and Conditions Ride with Norman Reedus – Motorcycle Jackets June 2017 1. The competition (the “Competition”) and the website on which these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) are posted and apply to are managed by AMC Networks International Broadcasting Limited ( “AMCNI”),…


Terms and Conditions Rectify: Signed Pilot Script Competition 2017 1.     The Competition is to take place during the period from 14th February 2017 to 22nd February 2017 operated by AMC Networks International Broadcasting Limited (“AMCNI”), a company formed under the laws of England and Wales,…

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